Adirondack Trip 2017

Before it gets away from me, I wanted to recap our family vacation to the Adirondacks this year. We didn’t do much, or anything really for that matter. Ada was more then happy to just stay at our cabins paying in the sand, water or the playground. She made some cousin friends this year that she got along really well with and basically wanted to spend every waking minute with.


We went to town one afternoon, took her to lunch for pizza and shopping to pick out her one souvenir gift of the week. She picked a cute little stuffed, pink pig and a stuffed elephant for the new baby! And she got to pick out some candy from the Candy Cottage. She picked cotton candy! She also took a ride on the carousel horse outside the shop, a highlight every year, it will break my heart when she thinks she too old for that!



We took a family kayak trip out on Fourth Lake, which she really enjoyed this year, so much so that she wanted to go again later in the week, so Daddy took her again. Probably one of my favorite pictures from the week! Love when they spend special time together!


I took her for a hike one of our days with a group of the littler kids. A group of them went earlier in the week and we were supposed to go, but we had a shoe incident, thankfully though, because that group did a very long hike. We did a short, flat, 2 mile loop around a lake and even that you would think I was torturing her by making her walk herself.


She got to do her first, solo (without me or dad) tube ride on the boat, which she absolutely loved, she was a little nervous to go out but I’m pretty sure I was more nervous then her! Watching from the dock makes you feel pretty useless if anything were to go wrong. She loved it though and of course they went nice and slow, so she did great! Had the biggest smile on her face! She just looks too old for me in this picture!


And lastly we had a family wedding for the first time ever while we were there. It was fun to have something different to do, although the lack of a babysitter made it harder. Fortunately, Dan has a 13 year old cousin who offered to watch her, and I obviously wasn’t drinking or partying very hard, so we took Ada to the ceremony with us, but then left her back at the Cabin with Dan’s cousin, and I made it back home around 10pm to do bedtime. It was a really beautiful wedding, just a little chillier then we all expected!


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And finally I’ll end with a few more favorite pictures from the week. Nothing better then a good family vacation! Ada slept great all week, with the exception of our first night there, which I always expect since its takes a night to get used to our new surroundings. It just always amazes me at how appreciative she is of everything we do, even if it feel likes nothing to me, its so exciting for her. To experience all this through her eyes makes every trip we take, worth every penny! I cannot wait until our next vacation to California in December! Our last one as a family of three!





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Another great year in Old Forge, NY!

Family Wedding Weekends

Dan’s brother got married back in the beginning of June, with just a small intimate ceremony for just the immediate family followed by a dinner at a local downtown restaurant. It was a really nice day and it was actually really awesome to split the ceremony and reception up. Just this past weekend they hosted a big reception with all their friends and extended family, but it took so much pressure off the wedding day!

Back in June they got married right in downtown Buffalo, along the riverside under a beautiful gazebo. The weather was perfect everything was so simple and classy!


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Photo Credit to LaurenAshelyPhoto.

wedding fam

wedding girls


wedding party
Photo credit to LaurenAshleyPhoto.

wedding table

Photo credit to LaurenAshelyPhoto. I realized I didn’t really take any pictures from the dinner! 

Just this past weekend was the big reception, which was a lot of fun! It was nice to not have to worry about wedding stuff all day and then just go to the party at night! We brought Ada with us for a little bit. She stayed through dinner and then I dropped her off at my parents house for a sleepover. She couldn’t wait to dance at the wedding, but once the dancing started she thought it was too loud and I think she got a little concerned with why all the grown ups were acting so crazy on the dance floor! If there’s one thing that goes down at family weddings its a crazy dance floor!! (and a lot of drinking, which is why I got her out of there!) I also must not have taken very many pictures at the reception, which isn’t like me at all, but here are a few! Also, the lighting is terrible!

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So a big congratulations to my Brother-in-law and my newest Sister! Everything was so special and we were thrilled to have celebrated! We wish them a lifetime of happiness, love and maybe some babies sometime soon!

The Wedding from a Magazine!

Our good friends got married at the end of September and it was literally a wedding straight out of Brides Magazine! They had the best DIY wedding I’ve ever seen and I was honored to stand by their side as they said “I do”! There aren’t really many words for this wedding, it was such a perfect day. The entire wedding party was our group of high school friends, making it the absolute best wedding party in the history of wedding parties! We all stayed in three townhouses side by side so the whole weekend we were able to spend together! I love these two so much and it warms my heart to know they have everything they ever wanted in each other and I can’t wait to watch their family and their love grow in the future! Much love to Cody and Danielle on a beautiful wedding!!
