Ten Year Reunion

Yesterday was my 10 Year High School Reunion! I can’t believe it’s been 10 years already! (doesn’t everyone say that?) It feels like just yesterday still that I was roaming those hall ways and cheering at football games. I am fortunate enough to still remain so close with so many of my high school friends so I didn’t feel like there was a lot of pressure going back. My class was very close and I think a lot of other groups of friends, that weren’t my friends, all stayed close too and that was cool to see.

I was on the reunion planning committee. I feel like most of the pressure was there. Trying to please everyone, trying to make decisions that people wouldn’t bash on social media was impossible. We quickly had to learn when we posted something to Facebook that we couldn’t take it to heart because there will always be those people who hated High School and have nothing good to say about reuniting with anyone there. And that is fine.

Ten year reunion(1)
The planning committee!

We ended up hosting a really good event and we got a TON of positive feedback afterwards. Even from a lot of the nay-sayers on social media. It was a very rewarding experience because I think we did bring a lot of people back together, and there were a lot of people who came from out of town to be there and that was exciting. I’m not sure I will voluntarily organize the 20th reunion, but I have a feeling the same committee will get roped in again since no one else will likely step up to the plate. We’ll see, for now we can sit back and let another ten years fly by and hopefully I’ll remain friends with most of my high school crew for many years to come!

Ten year reunion (2)
Ten year reunion (3)

Ten year reunion (4)

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